Kamis, 25 April 2013

Here's My "Rain"

Nah, I'm back again ^^
It's raining outside, but rather heavy rain..
and I decide to listening 5 songs that contains 'Rain' (whatever in PV or lyrics and title) what is it? guess what! 
Here it is :
1. The Rain Leaves A Scar (L'arc~en~Ciel)
2. Crying Rain (Girugamesh)
3. Kimi no Suki na Uta 【君の好きなうた】 (UVERworld) *its PV contains rain haha :D*
4. Rain (SID)
5. and the last, I have Singin' in the Rain (L'arc~en~Ciel *AGAIN!!*) haha I just wondering Hyde likes rain? maybe not haha *just forget this!* -___-

~I like The Rain Leaves a Scar the most! that's an old song (1995) the lyrics is great and I like the part that Hyde sings : "why can't I get out here? why can't I get out here?" his sound is soft~ teheeeee >_<
~Crying Rain also good! Everything there are great, the album (or single?) cover is woooooooo cool!! ^^ and also the PV, Satoshi singing under the rain.. all wet XDD
~Kimi no Suki na Uta... hmm... Takuya singing inside the payphone, and his expression is good. and the other scene, there's a girl, waiting for him. in the payphone and also raining outside~
~This song used in FMA Brotherhood Anime ~ I like Mao's voice ^^
~hm... the music is like..classic jazz maybe? haha is it piano? the song doesn't make me cry, just enjoy because of the music haha :D

fufuu.... I LIKE 'RAIN' ~~!!

Rabu, 24 April 2013

Fate/Zero [servant only]

nah, sekarang aku mau bahas tentang salah satu anime favorit aku. Yap! itu adalah Fate/Zero . 
Fate/Zero ini punya 2 Season : S1 episode 1-13, S2 episode 14-25 [FINAL]. tapi sebenernya inti bahasan kali ini bukan tentang animenya, tapi tentang ketujuh Servant yang ada di Fate/Zero . langsung aja yuk :))

1.) Saber

Nama aslinya Arturia Pendragon, atau lebih sering dipanggil King Arthur, julukannya King of Knights. Arthur ini satu-satunya Servant cewe, tapi kekuatannya cowo banget! Cantik, tapi sayang tingginya cuma 154cm beratnya 42kg. Ini salah satu Servant favorit aku. Di episode terakhir, dia disuruh menghancurkan Holy Grail sama sang Master. Arthur udah bilang "HENTIKAN!!!" tapi sang Master tidak mendengarkannya, soalnya dia pake Mantra Perintah. setelah menghancurkan Holy Grail dengan Excalibur, Saber menghilang, kembali ke tempatnya dahulu....

Master : Emiya Kiritsugu
Noble Phantasm : Excalibur - The Sword of Promised Victory | Invicible Air - Bounded Field of the Wild King | Avalon - The Everdistant Utopia

Arthur Scene
(FATE/ZERO S2 ep.15)


Nama aslinya Gilgamesh, julukannya King of Heroes. Dia sombong banget, mengklaim bahwa dunia ini adalah miliknya seorang. Rambutnya blonde, tingginya 182cm (tinggi yah ._.) beratnya 68kg. yang jelas dia ganteng,senyumnya manis tapi evil, jahat tapi gak jahat banget!!! Jatuh cinta sama Saber~ Di episode 24, dia ngajak Saber nikah, dia bilang "Sarungkan pedangmu dan jadilah istriku!" tapi Saber nolak. pas itulah Kiritsugu dateng dan menyuruh Saber buat ngancurin Holy Grail, terus lanjut ke episode 25 ._.
oiya, dia juga Servant favoritku!
Master : Tohsaka Tokiomi (Former) , Kirei Kotomine.
Noble Phantasm : Gate of Babylon - The King's Treasure | Enkidu - Chains of Heaven | Enuma Elish - The Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth

Gilgamesh Scene
(Fate/Zero S2 ep.24)
3.) Rider
Nama aslinya Iskandar (Alexander the Great), julukannya King of Conquerors. yang paling gede diantara Servant lainnya, tinggi badan: 212cm, berat badan: 130kg . Seorang Servant yang adil, dan bijaksana.
di episode 15, dia mindahin Caster ke tempat yang ditunjukkan oleh Kiritsugu. dia memanggil seorang ksatria-nya untuk menggantikan Rider menjadi bawahan Masternya.
Master : Waver Velvet
Noble PhantasmVia Expugnatio - Distant Trampling Domination |  Ionioi Hetairoi - Army of the King


Rider Scene
(Fate/Zero ep.2)
4.) Lancer
Nama aslinya Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, dia adalah Ksatria dari Fianna (Knight of Fianna). sama kaya Archer, dia juga tinggi, 184cm (tinggian ini) dan berbobot 85kg. Rambutnya item, pakaiannya ketat banget ._. di episode 16, dia dipaksa bunuh diri sama Masternya karena Kiritsugu ngasih Self-Geas Scroll. dan akhirnya Lancer menusukkan tombak ke tubuhnya sendiri lalu mati dalam kemurkaan. Servant favorit saya yang terakhir~
Master : Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald
Noble Phantasm : Gae Buidhe - Golden Rose of Mortality | Gae Dearg - Crimson Rose of Exorcism 
Lancer Scene
(Fate/Zero ep.4)

5.) Berserker
Nama aslinya Lancelot du Lac, sebelumnya populer dengan nama Black Knight (dulu temennya Arthur). Satu-satunya servant yang kehilangan kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik tapi paling berisik, paling rempong tapi kuat! Pakenya baju besi. Tinggi Badan : 191cm , beratnya 81kg. Di episode 5, Berserker muncul atas perintah dari Masternya, untuk membunuh siapa saja yang ada di lokasi pertempiran saat itu.
Master : Matou Kariya
Noble Phantasm : For Someone's Glory - Not For One's Own Glory | Knight of Honor - A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands | Arondight - The Unfading Light of the Lake
Berserker Scene
(Fate/Zero S2 ep.23)

6.) Caster
Nama aslinya Gilles de Rais, dikenal dengan Bluebeard. dia ini servant yang menurutku paling kejam dan paling menjijikan. Tb: 196cm, Bb: 70kg Dia dan Masternya suka menculik dan membunuh anak-anak. Dia jadi cumi-cumi raksasa di episode 13, 14, 15. Dia mengakui kalo Saber adalah ‘Jeanne d’Arc’, wanita yang sangat dicintainya.
Master : Ryuunosuke Uryuu
Noble Phantasm : Prelati's Spellbook - Text of the Sunken Spiraled City
Caster Scene
(Fate/Zero ep.8)
7.) Assassin
Nama aslinya Hassan-i Sabbah. Punya banyak bayangan (kalo udah mati masih banyak yang lainnya). Tinggi badan sama berat badannya gak diketahui. Dia juga dikenal sebagai mata-mata dari servant+master lainnya. Tapi, si Assassin(s) ini mati lawan Rider lewat Reality Marble (ep. 11)
Master : Kirei Kotomine (former)
Noble Phantasm : Zabaniya - Blade of Vengeance Owner (tapi jujur, aku belom pernah liat dia pake Noble Phantasm
Assassin(s) Scene
(Fate/Zero ep.11)
huaaaaaaaaa!! selesai juga ini tulisan. nulis dari tadi siang sampe jam segini, itu juga dipotong les, belajar, dll dll~ 
bye~ *author kepanasan*  

I'm back as blogger!!

ne... halo halo temen bloggers!!  lama nih gak posting sejak postinganku terakhir, sekitar tahun 2012 bulan November XDD

nah sekarang aku melakukan comeback stage di blog ini dan jadi blogger lagi 

dan lagi, aku merubah header, title dan description dari blog ini (tadi siang di sekolah) buahahaha. kenapa?
karena aku ingin blog ini isinya macem-macem, dan sebelumnya ini blog isinya cuma UVERworld dan curhatanku aja, aku mau yang lebih!! hahaha 

nah, from now.. JUST ENJOYING THIS, GUYS :)
isinya bakal aku ubah (tapi gak semuanya) 


Rabu, 28 November 2012


UVERworld - The ONE [7th ALBUM]


2. 7th Trigger
3. Don't Think.Feel
5. 23 Word
6. KINJITO (LIVE intro ver.)
8. Koko Kara
10. Barbell ~Koutai no Atarashii Fuku album ver~
12. AWAYUKOBA-KIRU (LIVE intro live)
13. NOWHERE boy


IDWS (password : gmazdaz)


Selasa, 20 November 2012


It’s already afternoon, time for me to do my job as a maid ^^ . I am on the way to cafe latte. The sun shining brightly but there are grey clouds, I think the rain will falls. But the sun.....
I arrived the Cafe. It’s still quiet, no customers there only me and Asami. She’s my partner and the cashier. I change my clothes at maid-room. My uniform, navi-blue blouse and black skirt, it’s about 3cm overknee. But it’s still comfortable for me. I always like this uniform!
One-by-one, customers come in. And the cafe slowly become crowd. Another maid already there too. Finally, the rainfalls.

I see a customer who like a mysterious man. He’s wearing a black hat and black-leather jacket. Anything he wears all black except his shirt, it’s solid white. He’s sit near doors. WAIT!! I think I ever see that style, but where and when? Even I can’t remember his name.
“Maid! Come here!” I think he’s calling me. And I immediately approaced him and ask what he want to eat or drink.
“I want a cup frappuccino, please.” Ask him.
“Uh.. another?” I write down his order.
“Nothing.” He said shortly.
“O.k wait, sir.”


The frappuccino is ready to serve. I give it to the ‘mysterious’ man.  And I go back to my place. Leave from him, but at my place, I’m still curious with him, why he use all-black except his shirt. I think I ever see him.......
 I see he’s writing a letter at the table, I don’t know why he’s write it in the cafe.
That man walk into the cashier and pay bill. After he receive his bon, He’s not leaving the cafe! He sit on the another chair ask me to remember him.. But I can’t remember who is he. His face covered with mask and his hat on his head. He give the letter that he wrote. And suddenly leave and dissapear.
Ayame-chan... I’m very sorry that I’ve made you hurt last time. That girl, I’ve leaved her. And sorry I’ve made you curious with my style today. All-black white shirt that I ever wear when first time I meet you. I scared if I use a shirt and jeans that I usually wear, I scared you will more hate and you will kicked me out from this cafe and I can’t give this to you. I STILL LOVE YOU....
Uhm,, it’s okay if you still can’t forgive me. By the way, I’ll move to Hokkaido for my job. And never come here again. It will make you happy, right? As you told to me ‘I don’t wanna see you again!’ and leave me alone. This what you want, never meet me again. I will leave today after I leave this cafe....
And the last...  It’s really GOODBYE.

– Kuwahara NOBUTO’

All of sudden, my tears are falling and finally I remember who is he. He’s Nobuto, a man who was made my heart hurts. I have forgive him for long time but he doesn’t know. I leave from cafe and try to chase him. But, He’s already leaved...... I cry and cry.. Regretting the moment in the past time..
“I SHOULDN’T SAY THAT TO HIM!!!” I scream under the rain. Kneeling and regretting.
Now, he’s really leave me.... I thought. I stand up and wiping my tears. I walk back into the cafe with my all-wet body. Nobuto’s letter still in my hand. And thinking he’ll happilly live in Hokkaido. Goodbye dear... Only that phrase that I can say right now...

Minggu, 18 November 2012

UVER Interview : Katsuya

50 Questions for Katsuya

1. Can you raise up one most memorable event to UVER?
It would be annual UVER Steamboat. That’s our year end celebration party. Since it is near to Takuya∞ ‘s birthday, and also the completion of the album, hence making it even more memorable.

2. What is the difference between the current house and the UVER house?
Very quite. Partly because the current house is half underground (?)

3. After moving to this house, what’s the first thing you purchased?
Toilet paper

4. What’s the first thing you would do after you reached home?
Since my computer is used to play music, the first thing I would do is to switch on the computer and play CD.

5. Which part of the house is the best to relax yourself?
For now, the place I can calm/relax myself would be the working room.

6. What is needed to relax yourself?
Music. Recently keep buying CDs home and listen to them.

7. What CD did you buy then?
Marina Lake.. Something like Last Winter. I will buy those that I found them nice when I was in TOWER RECORDS (CD store in Japan)

8. Usually what time you wake up, and what time you go to bed?
Before this, around 1a.m. I will go to bed, but yesterday when I looked at the time, it was already 5a.m. It looks like my inner clock has gone a bit haywire.

9. What would you wear to sleep?
Singlet. Top would be T-shirt. Sometimes I would put on the Infrared stockings.

10. Are you someone who scared of cold?
Sometimes only. I can’t sleep when it is too cold. But that’s the same if it is too hot. When the weather is too hot, I would find ways to make my feet cool down. (smile)

11. Please describe your most recent dream.
Making Pre production with the other members in the new house. Later just to find out that the room itself can never fit in that many people, but that’s what happened in the dream. Anyhow, most of the dreams would be going to amusement parks.

12. Now there is 2 days holiday, what would you do?
Go for a trip. Hot spring or something like that.

13. Going with who?
Traveling around should be fine. Don’t know where I heard this from, but someone told me who traveled alone to overseas said that was a great and fun experience and that you can do whatever you want!
Favourite Space in My Life
Sofa :: After struggling for 3 days, wandering from shops to shops, finally I found it. Can choose colours, can wash, comfortable. It is so soft when you sit on it, it is definitely reasonable to sleep on it (smile). It is a 4 person sofa. When you are alone, you can always put your feet up. The point that it can be stretched out is very awesome.
Table :: This is also carefully picked. Eventhough it is coffee table, it is taller than the sofa. Really like the glass design of the table. Actually this has not been delivered to my place since it is actually quite big. It seems that the workers of the store took 2 hours just to assemble the item. Very tough to put them together, I don’t think I can do it alone. (smile)
IMac :: The Windows that I was using spoilt, so I bought an Imac to replace it. At first I really have no idea how to use it, but now I am getting used to it. Really like the design. Now, I always use it to compose songs. But since I was too excited when I was purchasing this, I bought the big screen, making my neck very exhausted, this is the downside of it (smile)

14. When do you feel happy?
In Sleep (smile). I will always look forward to the time I go to bed. I always go like this, “Yes! Sleep ba!” After taking a bath, doing all the necessary things, then I will only go to sleep.

15. What did you smile of first in 2008?
Ehm.. what could that be... I think it was because of Nobuto. Either Nobuto or Akira. That time, we were doing something very interesting. Can’t really recall what happened but definitely it was one of them.

16. What made you happy recently?
The sofa reached!

17. Anything that made you excited lately?
Probably when we were having beer. But lately I have been considering to stop drinking anymore. Beer gives off a rather dangerous scent, and it will make someone forget himself.

18. Everybody said that after party BUGRIGHT was completed, Kat-chan was crying and being angry at the same time (laugh)?
Ah, that time was a bit... Everyone also shed tears, why did they cut off that part, as if I was the only one who acted like that. I don’t like this (laugh). It shouldn’t be a problem if that was Katsuya though.

19. What’s your current dream?
Continue making UVERworld shines.

20. What was your childhood dream?
Pilot or a cook.

21. When was that?
During Kindergarden. That time I thought Takuya ∞ how to make paper plane. It was that time when I wanted to 
be a pilot. That’s why I read a lot relating to pilots.

22. What is your kind of girl?
Gentle and understands people.

23. How would a girl attract your attention?
Ehm, talking about this, eventhough generally if that’s a girl it will attract, but whenever I see girls putting their 
hair on two sides, that’s rather attractive to me.

24. What would you do on your first date with the girl you like?
Disneyland and Disney Sea.

25. You like to go to these places?
There are many places that I want to go, but never have the chance to go. That’s why I want to go to somewhere that can also satisfy myself, just like Disney Sea. I have wanted to go there for a long time now.

26. Do you believe in UFO and aliens?Absolutely YES. Isn’t there an Area51? I am very interested with the mystery which has not been solved after like 50 years.

27. Have you watched a movie repeatedly?
Yup. There are lots of them such as, THE ROCK, THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, GAME etc.

28. Dogs or Cats?
Definitely dogs.

29. What would you do when you are angry?
I will not talk at all.

30. Do you have some countries that you want to go?
Countries such as Egypt.

31. Have you tried overseas vacation?
On our graduation from the Specialised School, we (10 persons) went to Los Angeles (7/8 days)

32. Any knockdown in drinking before?
Countless. I am sure the team know this better than me. (laughs)

33. Until now, the most epic hairstyle.
Dread black-hair. When I was 20/21 years old.

34. Say something to the 10-years-ago-self?
I was 17 years old. I would tell him not to go into Specialised school is actually better. Don’t go... (laughs)

35. Next, 10 years later?37 years old? Are you still alive? (laughs) Next would be, where are you staying now?

36. Up until now, the most embarrassing event that happened.
There was once this year waved at me, so I waved back. I didn’t realise that the girl’s friend was actually standing behind me.

37. When did that happen?
During high school time. That was the girl I like, that’s why I was so embarrassed. I got the -“Ah! It wasn’t me??!!” –feel. I quickly rode my bike away. Seriously too embarrassing.

38. During LIVE, after entering the backstage, what would be the first thing you do?
Find my place, then put my things on the seat.

39. Before this, weren’t you the fastest one to prepare to go home?
Last time, before LIVE started, I would pack my things first, well prepared to go home. But recently I found out that it would be better if I don’t do that.

40. Why?
Because if I have packed my things, the staffs would always ask me to clean up the backstage. (laughs)

41. What did you buy recently that captures your heart most?

42. House chores, cooking. Which are you better at?
Cooking. Every UVER steamboat, the food is normally prepared by me. I know how to clean a chicken and also how to make fish cakes.

43. How would you release your tension?
What would I do... Running ba.

44. Are you quick in bathing or slow?
I would use quite sometime to bath. Around 1 hour oh.

45. All the members are slow in bathing, what happened when you guys were staying together?
The bathing time is usually separated – morning and night. Due to the fact that only Takuya ∞ and I bath at night, we rarely crashed into each other. The problem would be Nobuto, Akira and Shintarou bath in the morning, hence they will normally crash into each other.

46. What would do in that 1 hour bath?
I will only play PSP before sleep and when I am bathing. Or reading books. Last time when I was staying in UVER house, I will bring my phone into the bathroom and watched TV. But I can not do this now in my new house because my house is half basement, hence the reception is a bit bad.

47. You do use bath tub?
Yes. Normally it would be 45 ˚C. But recently as my body has been sweating irregularly, so I changed it to 42˚C

48. In your eco life, anything that you have been practicing?
Separating rubbish. And won’t switch on too much electronics.

49. Lastly, anything you are proud of?
Having a Qualification (Certificate)

50. You do have many of those yes?
Around 14, I guess. Chinese letters appreciation Level 1, Programming National level and also, Bookkeeping(?) Level 1, Other than that, the 5 level that must go through to become a Tax officer, I have already gone though 3 levels.

UVER Interview : Shintarou

UVERworld.org CORE ABILITY [+81]
48 Questions for Shintarou:

1. Please share one most memorable moment with the UVER family:
I made a lot of friends around the UVERhouse. I also entered a baseball team. Everyone would also often watch our live.

2. How do you feel about your new home?
It's good, I got used to it relatively fast. But I am still bothered with whether I should go and visit my neighbours (laugh).

3. What did you buy when you first moved in to your new place?
Bed. I bought a queen size bed like an idiot (laugh). I would roll around on top of it.

4. What is the first thing that you do when you reached home?
Wash my hands, rinse my mouth.

5. What do you need in order to relax?
Car! Friends.

6. You seem to like cars a lot.
I really like it! Even though I am not so sure of the details, but I still like it a lot! Just looking at it makes me really happy, especially the big ones.

7. What time do you usually wake up and sleep?
Usually I sleep at 2.30am, and woke up at 8.30.

8. You wake up pretty early.
Because morning practice starts at 10. I wake up at 8.30, 15 minutes would be spent lazing around, and then I would use the rest of the time to watch TV, smoke and bathe.

9. If you have 2 days off, how will you spend it?
I would clean up my house and my car. Then I would go to the shop where I bought my drums.

10. What do you want right now?
Drum set. I am looking for a second hand.

11. When do you feel fortunate?
There is a lot, but LIVE, or this kind of interview makes me feel "I am really fortunate".

12. Do you think of anything before you go to sleep?
Because I would train my muscles before I go to sleep so I would feel really tired, Hence, I would think "so exhausted..." before I sleep.

13. Do you dream?
Yes. I dreamt of playing GROOVY GROOVY GROOVY's drum parts today. Something like "Yes, I can finally play that part well".

14. What do you wear to sleep?
Very messy (anything will do?). After a bathe, I would randomly take a shirt. If it's a sleeveless shirt, I would freeze after a while (laugh).

15. When was the first time you laugh in 2008?
On new year's eve, I went back with everyone by car. However, my grandmother stays in Wakayama. So I drove over myself. Even though I estimated that I would reach before 11, but my car's condition turned for the worse and I had to slow down. Even though I advanced slowly, I made no progress. In the end it was already new year. I heard the excited cry of "Happy new year!" from the radio, but I didn't even know where I was. I only continued driving in the dark. I laughed to myself "did I just spend my new year eve like this?" (laugh).

16. Lately what makes you excited?
When I went to the car retails. I rode on a few weird cars.

17. Are you collecting anything at the moment?
Lighter. Not Zippo, but those lighters that cost 100 yen. Even though I said it's collecting, it's actually more like a need.

18. Your current dream is?Em... (looks a little troubled) A famous person. A famous drummer.

19. What was your childhood dream?
A baseball player.

20. What is your type of girl?
Someone calm.

21. Is that girl good at cooking?
Of course!!

22. What movement do you like from a girl?
When she's writing pretty characters I guess.

23. What will you do on your first date?
... Go for a drive. Because driving alone makes me really happy.

24. Do you believe in UFO, aliens or anything alike?
No I don't.

25. Is there any book that leaves a deep impression on you?
Even though there's a lot, but I guess it's Miura Reiko's '冰点'. It carries the theme of "love your enemy". It is 
really good. When I put myself in the protagonist's shoe. I would ask myself "can you really do something like that?"

26. Is there any good CD recently?
Something like tick's 相~omou single

27. Is there a book that you have read a few times?
BLANKET JET CITY's 'Wild Winter'. I have both volumes.

28. What brand of suit do you like?
Em... I am not really sure. I would buy it if I like it.

29. Towards the phrase 'a good treat', what crosses your mind?
Sukiyaki. It's really delicious.

30. Describe your personality in 1 sentence.

31. Are you a dog or cat type?

32. How are you like when you are angry?
Silent. I am the type that would wait for the other party to apologize.

33. What was your oldest memory from your childhood?
During nursery school I guess. I played in the school's playground 3,4 times.

34. Do you have rice or bread for breakfast?
Bread. Plain bread. I would toast it.

35. Among the 4 seasons, which season do you like the most?
Winter I guess? Because there is LIVE TOUR during February and March. In between winter and summer we 
would produce new singles too.

36. Is there a country or a place that you really want to go?
Even though it's not a country... shimanto-gawa.

37. Why?
It is the only place in Japan where there's a stream. It's really pretty. If I can I would want to go swimming there during summer.

38. Where is the best place till date?
Takachi prefecture

39. What brand of alcohol do you like?

40. How are you like when you are drunk?
I talk a lot (laugh). I would talk non stop with the other people who are drunk.

41. What do you think is the craziest hairstyle you ever have?
Mohican. I had it when I was 18 to 20. On my coming-of-age, it was mohican too.

42. Please leave a sentence for your 10 years younger self.
Is it 14... Work hard on your drumming!

43. Please leave a sentence for your 10 years older self.
Is it 34... Seems like there will be a lot of troublesome stuffs... "Have you bought a house?" I guess I would ask something like this.

44. What is your habit? 
(Note: that's what he put D:)

45. Cleaning up (sweeping the floor etc), laundry and cooking. Which is your speciality?
Laundry. I would do it seriously.

46. What are you serious about?
In order to ensure that the clothes won't stretch, I would put it in the washing net properly. I would check all the labels. I would be serious about drying clothes too. If I were to use the laundromats, I would use 3. I would use 3 dryers too.

47. As for your own part in UVERworld, what are you most serious about?
Rhythm Keep.

48. During LIVE, what's the first thing will you do when you enter the backstage?
I would look for the bento first.

credits :